Garden in Dubai
in 2023 I was abscessed by flowers. The idea of creating garden followed me everywhere. I think the limits of local nature pushed me grown garden by my own.

Peone. Collage you see on your left was a sketch made just with paper and scissors. I like to grab as much paper as my table could fits, and just started cutting. From 9 colleges only 4 became more than just draft.

Pink Flower. During my first month living in Dubai Derek Jarman's book was my dearest friend. After that I cut Pink Flower with a paper, draw it by oil pastel and finally made a linocut relief.

Peone №2. After collage sketch I thought create a print based on it, but the ink version doesn't satisfied me, so I leave it, till my friend bought collage for her bedroom.

Shirley Poppies. Also a flower from Derek's Garden. After collage I draw oil paster sketch. Unfortunately this is ended up like the art "for the desk drawer".

The most restless collages from this series. But you'll never know what happened, so I decided share it anyway. Maybe you will take a look a find ideas. Looking forward hearing from you.
Many thanks, and wish you all flowers, and gardens of your own.